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The Journal on Excellence in College Teaching is a peer-reviewed journal published at Miami University by and for faculty at universities and two- and four-year colleges to increase student learning through effective teaching, interest in and enthusiasm for the profession of teaching, and communication among faculty about their classroom experiences. It answers Ernest Boyer's (1990) call for a forum to present the scholarship of teaching and learning. The Journal provides a scholarly, written forum for discussion by faculty about all areas affecting teaching and learning, and gives faculty the opportunity to share proven, innovative pedagogies and thoughtful, inspirational insights about teaching.
The Journal is published four times a year.
It is currently indexed in Google Scholar, ERIC, EBSCO, Cabell's, and MLA.
ITLC | International Teaching Learning Cooperative
The ITLC, founded by Dr. Todd Zakrajsek, is committed to advancing educational development by supporting faculty members, providing valuable resources, and connecting individuals within higher education that care about student learning. The ITLC offers customized workshops for college and university campuses across the country and around the world, as well as hosts 5 Lilly Conferences and several institutes.
For more information about available workshop topics and the ITLC, visit:
The Scholarly Teacher Blog
The Scholarly Teacher is a free resource intended to encourage readers to purposefully pause, think critically, reflect, and transform their teaching and students’ learning. Articles emphasize the importance of taking an informed and practiced approach to enhancing student learning by systematic improvement of effective teaching. Articles focus on a healthy balance of scholarly evidence and practical application. The Scholarly Teacher accepts unsolicited manuscripts for consideration; all manuscripts undergo blind peer review. Additionally, infographics are published as a quick reference with suggestions on how to level-up your teaching game and stay in the know with trending buzzwords in education.
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Educational Blueprints
Educational Blueprints provides educational resources to faculty, and educational institutions. Our mission is to apply evidence-based pedagogy to direct and indirect instruction to improve student learning. At present, that is accomplished by developing and distributing easy-to-use desktop reference tools.
To learn more or to order, visit: